
A member of the Faculty since 1992, Dennis is known for his innovative work on computing systems, particularly on issues involving a detailed knowledge of both the hardware and software in these sophisticated systems.


Mathematics, English, IT, Computer Science


ID Course Name Duration Start Date
EV3Sport Exercise Sciences3 years9 enero, 2015
EV7Financial Analyst Course3 years9 agosto, 2015
EV7Masters in Finance3 years9 agosto, 2015
EV3College Football Course3 years9 enero, 2015
EV1Music & Drama (3 Years)3 years9 enero, 2015
EV4Basketball Courses2 months9 febrero, 2015
EV7Masters in Finance (3 Years)3 years9 agosto, 2015
EV3Sport and Exercise Sciences3 years9 enero, 2015
EV1Music and Drama (3 Years)3 years9 enero, 2015
EV4Level 1 Basketball Courses2 months9 febrero, 2015
EV1Music & Drama Course3 years9 enero, 2015